New Hampshire

New Hampshire by the Numbers:
Key Statistical Data and Facts

Key Details

  • New Hampshire has a population of 1,395,231 residents as of 2022. 
  • There are 648,567 housing units in New Hampshire, with a median home value of $288,700 and median gross rent of $1,212. 
  • The voter turnout in the 2020 general elections was 72.5%, the highest in two decades. 
  • 93.6% of individuals in New Hampshire over 25 have graduated high school, and 38.2% have a Bachelor's degree or higher. 
  • The unemployment rate in New Hampshire is 2.1%, lower than the national rate of 3.4%, and the largest employers are in the service providers industry. 
  • The estimated median income in New Hampshire is $83,499. 
  • The marriage rate in New Hampshire is 6.7 marriages per 1000 people, slightly higher than the national average. 
  • The life expectancy at birth in New Hampshire is 79 years. 
  • The leading causes of death in New Hampshire are heart disease, drug overdoses, and firearms-related incidents. 

New Hampshire Population Demographics

Set in Northeastern America, New Hampshire is the fifth smallest state in the US. According to U.S Census Data for 2022, the Granite State is home to 1,395,231 residents. Of the population, 4.5% were under five years and 18.5% were under 18 years. Persons 65 years and over made up 19.3%, while people aged between 18 years and 65 years accounted for 62.2% of the population. Further inspection shows men and women split the population evenly at 49.9% and 50.1%.  respectively. 

New Hampshire Housing

648,567 housing units
AAccording to the U.S. Census Data, New Hampshire has 648,567 housing units, with an average of 2.46 persons per household.
71.6% were owner-occupied units, and 87.2% of residents had been in the same house for over a year.
Between 2017 and 2021, the median value of owner-occupied units was $288,700.
The average monthly rate without a mortgage was $857, while the rate with a mortgage was $2,062.
The median gross rent in New Hampshire for this period was $1,212.

New Hampshire Racial Demographics


The largest racial demographics were whites alone, not counting Hispanics or Latinos. They made up 89.1% of the population. This was followed by Hispanics or Latinos, with 4.4% of the population. Roughly 1.8% of the population had an ethnicity of two or more races.

  • White only
  • Black or African-American alone
  • Asian alone
White Alone(Minus Hispanics and Latinos) 89.1% 
Hispanics and Latinos 4.4% 
Asian alone 3.1% 
African American or Black alone 1.9% 
Two or more races 1.8% 
American Indian or Alaskan Natives 0.3% 
Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders 0.1% 

Elections in New Hampshire

Over the last thirty years, New Hampshire has been led by a mix of both Democrat and Republican governors. Between 1992 and 2022, New Hampshire had 3 Democratic and 4 Republican Governors in charge. As of 2023, the New Hampshire's Governor is a Republican, while the Senators and Representatives are all Democrats.  

Republican Chris Sununu is the 82nd  Governor of New Hampshire  First sworn into office on January 5th, 2017,  Governor Sununu has been re-elected three times as of 2022. He began his third term as governor of New Hampshire in January 2021. 

New Hampshire is represented in the U.S. Senate by two Democratic Senators, Jeane Shaheen and Maggie Hassan.  

New Hampshire has voted for both Republican and Democrat presidents over the course of its history. However, in the last 30 years, Democratic presidential candidates won the state seven times and Republicans once. 

2020 Presidential Election 

During the 2020 presidential elections, New Hampshire was won by the Democrats. The count was 424,937 votes to 365,660 votes for the Democrats. This equaled 52.71% of the votes for Joe Biden and 45.36% for Donald Trump. Third-party candidates received the remaining 1.93% of the votes. 

Joe Biden

52.71% of votes

Donald Trump

52.71% of votes

New Hampshire Voting Statistics

As of May 2022, political party registration in New Hampshire was as follows. 275,220 residents registered as Democrats, and 265,116 registered as Republicans. A further 330,466 were registered with their allegiance undeclared. These figures accounted for 31.61%, 30.44%, and 37.95% of registered voters, respectively.


2020 Elections Voter Turnout

During the 2020 general elections, New Hampshire recorded the largest voter turnout in decades. The statistics showed 72.5% of 1,123,863 New Hampshire residents who made up the voting-age population voted. This figure of 814,499 voters was the largest figure recorded in New Hampshire in 20 years.

General Election Voter Turnout

YearVoter TurnoutTurnout Percentage (Voting Age Population)
2022 626,931 54.7 
2020 814,499 72.5 
2018 580,568 52.4 
2016 755,850 70.2 
2014 495,565 46.5 
2012 718,700 68.6 
2010 461,423 44.6 
2008 719,643 70.4 

How Educated is New Hampshire

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, between 2017 and 2021, 93.6% of persons in New Hampshire over 25 graduated high school. Of this same age group of over 25, 38.2% had a Bachelor’s degree or higher. The statistics show over a third of all New Hampshire residents over 25 have a degree. 

The  New Hampshire Department of Employment Security provides statistics for education in 2021. The following table shows the educational attainment of New Hampshire’s residents over 25. 

Educational AttainmentPopulation 25 years and above
Less than 9th grade 2.1% 
Between 9th and 12 grade (No Diploma), 3.5% 
High School graduate or GED 26.6% 
Some College(No Degree) 17.8% 
Associate’s degree 9.8% 
Bachelor's degree 24.5% 
Graduate or Professional degree 15.7% 

New Hampshire is home to about 24 colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher learning in 2023. These are counted as post-high school institutions which grant degrees and are accredited. They include colleges, universities, baccalaureate institutions, art colleges, and a single law school. 

The largest university is the University of New Hampshire, Durham, which has over 15,000 on-campus students. South New Hampshire University in Manchester is known for its sizable online student enrollment. This has been known to exceed 100,000 students. 

New Hampshire Employment Rate

As of 2023, New Hampshire ranked 3rd lowest behind South Dakota and Nebraska in the national unemployment ranking. In April 2023, the number of employed in New Hampshire was 749,570, and the number of unemployed was 16,240.

Employment increased by 400 jobs, and the unemployed decreased by 170 from the previous month. From October 2022 to April 2023, the unemployment rate fell from 2.6% to 2.1%.

The county with the lowest unemployment rate in New Hampshire is Merrimack County. As of April 2023, the unemployment rate in Merrimack was 0.9%. Other counties in New Hampshire with low unemployment rates include Strafford, Sullivan, and Grafton. These three counties had an employment rate of 1.0%. Conversely, the county with the highest unemployment rate is Coos, with a rate of 1.8%.

According to the NH Department of Employment Security, New Hampshire has a workforce of over 700,000 citizens. The largest employers in April 2023 were the service providers industry employing 596,800 workers. This was 79.6% of the total workforce of 749,570 workers.  

Private sector service providers employed 510,100 of the total workforce. The next highest employers were Transport, Trade, and Utilities, followed by Private Education and Health Services. These sectors employed 139,100 workers and 124,700 workers, respectively. 

Between April 2022 and April 2023, Professional Scientific and Technical Services saw the largest workforce growth. Over the last 12 months, their workforce grew 9.25%, adding 4300 workers. Next in workforce growth was Support and Waste Management Services, with 9.14% growth, and professional and business services, with 8.39% growth. This added 3,500 and 8,000 workers, respectively, to their workforces. On the other hand, the number of people employed in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation fell by 6.35% 

Average Income in New Hampshire

The estimated median income in New Hampshire is $83.499, according to the U.S. Census data for 2022. This showed an increase of 16.5% from 2010 in the previous decade. Counties in New Hampshire with the highest median incomes in 2021 included Rockingham ($101,683) and Hillsborough ($86,930). 

In May 2022, households with a single earner had a median family income of $75,432. Families with two people earning had a median income of about $87,260. Those with three and four people had median incomes of $112,013 and $135,833, respectively. 

Sorting by age, the highest median income of $101,817 belonged to residents aged between 45 and 64 years. This was followed by residents aged 25 to 44 years with a median income of $92,836. Residents aged 65 years and above had the next highest median income at $56,845. The age group with the lowest median household income was under 25 years, with $52,926. 

Families in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Marriage Rates

6.7 per 1000 person
9.5 per 1000 person

Per data published by the National Centre for Health Statistics, the marriage rate for New Hampshire in 2021 was estimated to be 6.7 marriages per 1000. This is slightly higher than the national average of 6 marriages per 1000 people. 

 From 1990 to 2000, the marriage rate fell from 9.5 to 9.4, then it fell to 7.3 in 2010. The marriage rate fell again over the next decade to 6.1 in 2020. Data showed that 51% of males and 49% of Females over 15 years were married. 75.1% of men aged between 65 and 74 were found to be married. For females, 69.3% of females aged 45 to 49 were married. 

2021 data from the National Centre for Health Statistics sets the divorce rate in New Hampshire at 2.6(per 1000). This is very close to the national divorce rate, which is 2.5 per 1000 citizens. The divorce rate in New Hampshire has had a clear decline in the last 20 years. It fell from 4.8 in 2000 to 3.8 in 2010 and 2.4 in 2020. The Age ranges with the highest percentage of divorces are 50-54 for men and 55-59 for women.

New Hampshire Divorce Rates

The life expectancy at birth in New Hampshire is 79 years. This is according to data from the Center for Disease Control, National Centre for Health Statistics. This data takes into account normal circumstances and age-specific mortality rates. 

The fertility rate in New Hampshire among teenage females aged 15 to 19 years is 5.4 births per 1000 women. Among adult females aged 15-44, the birth rate is 49.9 births per thousand women.  

In May 2023, New Hampshire was ranked 45th in adult birth rates in America. Further analysis of birth rates in New Hampshire is in the table below. 

Life Expectancy in New Hampshire

According to National Center for Health Statistics data, New Hampshire’s life expectancy in 2020 was 78.8 years, higher than the national life expectancy of 76 years. New Hampshire’s male population has a life expectancy of 76.3 years, while the female residents have a life expectancy of 81.3 years.  

The life expectancy of residents by gender earns the state 7th and 8th positions on the rank for males and females, respectively. Generally, New Hampshire ranks 8th out of the 50 states in the US on the life expectancy rankings.  

The fertility rate obtained from the CDC data shows 48.9 births per 1,000 women aged between 15 to 44 years. New Hampshire has a teen birth rate of 9.5 births per 1,000 female residents aged between 15 to 19 years. New Hampshire’s leading cause of death is Cancer, while Drug overdose death, firearm injury death, and homicide rate are 26.8, 14.9, and 4.9 per 100,000 residents. 

CrimeTotal Reported IncidentsTCrime rate per 100,000 residents
Violent Crimes 2074 152.5 
Murder 33 2.4 
Rape 590 43.4 
Robbery 313 23.0 
Aggravated Assault 1,138 83.7 
Property Crime 16,442 1,209.2 
Burglary 1,717 126.3 
Larceny 13,832 1,017.3 
Motor Vehicle Theft 893 65.7 

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for residents of New Hampshire. It accounts for 154.1 deaths per 100,000 in the state. Drug overdoses accounted for 32.3 per 100,000 and firearms 8.3 per 100,000. Homicides were responsible for 15 deaths at this time. The death rate from Covid-19 in 2022 was estimated to be 15.6 per 100,000.

New Hampshire Crime Rates

Data about the crime rate in New Hampshire can be found on the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program. In 2019, law enforcement from New Hampshire reported a total of 37,032 crimes to the FBI. These crimes varied from larceny, vehicle theft, and burglary to murder, robbery, and assault. Property crimes and larceny were the most common crime reports, with 16,442 and 13,832 incidents respectively. The table below shows a breakdown of the UCR report in 2019.

FBI UCR reports for New Hampshire 2019

CrimeTotal Reported IncidentsTCrime rate per 100,000 residents
Violent Crimes 2074 152.5 
Murder 33 2.4 
Rape 590 43.4 
Robbery 313 23.0 
Aggravated Assault 1,138 83.7 
Property Crime 16,442 1,209.2 
Burglary 1,717 126.3 
Larceny 13,832 1,017.3 
Motor Vehicle Theft 893 65.7 

The New Hampshire Department of Safety collects crime statistics from the state’s law enforcement agencies. This forms a major part of the data passed on to the FBI. 

Between 2020 and 2021, the data showed a decrease in robbery by 26.4%. Murder and motor vehicle theft showed increases of 8.3% and 5.7%, respectively. Aggravated assaults, burglaries, and kidnappings fell by 18.9%, 23.6%, and 14.4%, respectively. 

Offense2020 totals 2021 totals Change
Murder 12 13 8.3 
Rape 479 577 20.5 
Robbery 261 192 -26.4 
Aggravated assault 1,103 894 -18.9 
Burglary 1,347 1,029 -23.6 
Larceny 12,425 12,463 0.3 
Motor vehicle theft 962 1,017 5.7 
Kidnapping  264 226 -14.4 

New Hampshire Incarceration Rate

172 per 100,000 residents
According to the National Institute of Corrections the incarceration rate in New Hampshire by December 2020 was 172 per 100,000 residents.
197 per 100,000 residents
This shows a decrease from the previous year when it was 197 per 100,000 residents.
358 per 100,000
New Hampshire’s incarceration rate is much lower than the national rate, which is 358 per 100,000. New Hampshire is ranked 43rd in incarceration rate in America, behind New York and ahead of Utah.
The New Hampshire Department of Corrections operates six state prisons and ten jail facilities. In 2020, the prison population was 2,352 in state prisons and 1,990 in county jails.
These include crime rates, economic situations, and sentencing guidelines.

New Hampshire Bankruptcy Rate

3,092 bankruptcy cases

Statistics for bankruptcy rates in New Hampshire are given by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Hampshire.  Between 2012 and 2022, there has been a general decline in bankruptcy filings in New Hampshire. During this time, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy fell from 3,092 to 436. Likewise, filings for Chapter 11 fell from 36 cases to 6 and Chapter 13 from 777 to 216. Total filings across all forms(Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, and 13) fell from 3,902 to 658. This shows an 83.1% reduction in bankruptcy filings in New Hampshire between 2012 and 2022. 

Weird Laws in New Hampshire

Since the passage of New Hampshire's constitution in June 1784, new laws have been passed or repealed with the aim of keeping the state safe and secure. However, some laws are strange and confusing. Some examples include.

  • It is illegal to pick up litter, clean or repair the benches, or otherwise maintain the White Mountain National Forest. Doing this without permission will incur a $150 fine for maintaining the forest without a permit.
  • You may not sell the clothing items you are currently wearing to style a gambling debt.
  • It is illegal to collect any seaweed or rockweed from a beach or seashore below the high water mark.
  • Booking a motel or hotel within the state’s borders without providing your full name is illegal. Not doing so may lead to charges of defrauding the management of the establishment.
  • An old law stated that no one could swim or bathe or expose themselves while dressing or undressing within sight of a dwelling, public road, street, or wharf. This law was repealed by the state legislature eventually.
  • It was illegal in the City of Claremont to use cemeteries as picnic grounds. It was also illegal to drink or bring any alcohol to a cemetery or visit a cemetery after dark.
  • It is illegal for any cattle to cross roads in the state without a device to collect their dung.
  • In New Hampshire, it is illegal to show any movies before 2 p.m. in the afternoon.
  • It is illegal to operate machinery on Sundays in New Hampshire. This includes drills, saws, lawnmowers, and, sadly, ice cream machines. Although the law is not enforced these days it can still be found in law books.

Cities in New Hampshire

Table of contents

Cities in New Hampshire

Popular names in New Hampshire